iSuppli is reporting that global chip revenue should increase to $325.2 due to supply and demand. Two months ago iSuppli originally forecasted a 5.8 percent increase to $320.1 billion. Apparently, DRAM chips will be impacted the most with a price increase due to supply issues as a result of the recent earthquake in Japan. iSuppli had originally forecasted sales of DRAM chips to shrink by four percent this year instead of seeing a drop of 10.6 percent.
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Tags: Boric acid, China, Computers, disaster zone, DRAM, DRAM Prices to Increase, DRAMExchange, earthquake epicenter, earthquakes, economic recovery, economic resurgence, Elpida, employees, equipment damage, Fab 3, Fab 4, fabrication plants, flash, flash chips, flash production, Fukushima 1, global production, halted production, hardware, Hynix, iSuppli, IT supply chains, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, Japan earthquake will impact DRAM prices, Kansai, markets, materials, memory, memory components, memory manufacturers, NAND, nuclear power, nuclear power plants, plant shutdowns, power outtage, Prices to Increase, Pricing, raw materials, samsung, SanDisk, Semiconductor Prices to Increase, semiconductors, Shin-Etsu Semiconductor, silicon, silicon wafer, silicon wafer production, SUMCO, suppliers, supply chain management, technology, Toshiba, TrendForce, tsunami, Unit #1, Unit #2, wafers, world markets