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Intel’s 22nm MIC To Debut Soon

April 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Computing

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Word on the street is that Intel may debut their first Many Integrated Core (MIC) using its upcoming 22nm process technology and expects to have more than 100 developer sites for MIC by the end of 2011.

Intel’s MIC micro-architecture is expected to be used for highly parallel applications in the high end computing arena such as scientific exploration and research and weather modelling.  Just like its competitors such as AMD’s FireStream or Nvidia’s Tesla, Intel is not fond of MIC replacing processors.

During his keynote at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) Intel’s Kirk Skaugen, VP of Architecture and GM said that compatibility with x86 will give MIC certain advantages.  Kirk also went on to say that MIC would act like a co-processor where you can use the same compilers, the same tools, and the same VTunesthat power.

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