Microsoft reminded users on Monday that it intends to stop supporting Windows Vista Service Pack 1 on July 12.
“From that date onward, Microsoft will no longer provide support or free security updates for Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1),” the company stated in a blog entry on its TechNet website.
The company recommended users upgrade to Vista Service Pack 2 or Windows 7 to receive continued support and patches. Vista SP2 also includes operating system updates such as a new version of Windows Search, and drivers to support new hardware.
Users can install Vista SP2 using Windows Update, or by manually downloading the 32-bit edition or 64-bit edition of the service pack.
Users must have Windows Vista SP1 installed prior to applying SP2. Further instructions on installing SP2 are available on Microsoft’s website.
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It is being reported that hackers have been able to exploit holes in Windows and Microsoft new of the issue since January of 2011.
The exploit deals with the Windows protocol handler in Windows for MHTML. Be advised the exploit can only be done if the user is running Internet Explorer. Apparently, hackers are using cross-site scripting attacks are intercepting and collecting peoples information, spoofing the content that is displayed to the browser, or interfering with the user’s browsing activities. Read More….
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