Samsung requested that the U.S. International Trade Commission ban the importation of Apple’s iPhones, iPads and iPods, ratcheting up its fight with Apple.
The filing, dated Tuesday, states Apple’s iPhone, iPod digital music player and iPad tablet infringe on five of Samsung’s patents involving telecommunications standards and user interface inventions.
Samsung also filed a fresh patent lawsuit against Apple in a Delaware federal court on Wednesday.
The complaints are the latest salvo in a growing legal battle between the two electronics giants.
In April, Apple sued Samsung in a California federal court, claiming the South Korean firm’s Galaxy line of mobile phones and tablets “slavishly” copies the iPhone and iPad.
Samsung then countersued in California, and Apple last week filed another lawsuit in South Korea. An Apple spokesman could not be immediately reached on Wednesday.
As well as its own phones and tablets, Samsung manufactures microchips for Apple’s gadgets, a business that brought in about $5.7 billion in revenue for the South Korean company last year.
Before banning the importation of Apple’s popular devices, the ITC would first have to agree to look into Samsung’s allegations, a process that could be quite lengthy.
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Tags: apple, California, Chips, Computers, Consumer Electronics, countersuit, courts, Delaware, devices, digital, electronic manufacturer, electronics, Federal court, gadgets, Galaxy tab, handsets, hardware, imports, infringement, injunction, interfaces, International Trade Commission, ipad, iPad 2, iPhone, Ipod, ITC, lawsuits, ligitation, microchips, networks, patent lawsuits, patents, phone makers, phones, processors, revenue, samsung, smartphones, Software, South Korea, tablets, technology, telecommunications, USA, Wireless
The 9.7-in. TouchPad debuting on July 1 from Hewlett-Packard (HP) will be quickly followed by a 7-in. tablet from HP in August, according to an anonymous source.
Taiwan Economic News on Friday cited an unnamed subcontractor for Inventec Corp., a PC manufacturing company in Taiwan, for information about the smaller tablet. The story said Inventec has “received big-ticket orders for tablet PCs from HP,” for both the 9.7-in. TouchPad and a 7-in. model launching in August.
The announced TouchPad runs WebOS, but no other details were available on the 7-in. model.
Inventec and HP have so far not commented on this story.
HP has not announced a 7-in. tablet, although that form factor is becoming fairly common alongside tablets with screens close to 10 inches in size.
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Tags: 10-inch, 7-inch, 8.9 inch, apple, applications, big-ticket orders, Blackberry, businesses, Cisco, Cius, Computers, Computing, consumers, devices, enterprise customers, Galaxy tab, hardware, Hewlett-Packard, HP, Invetec Corp, ipad, mobile devices, Motorola, operating systems, OS, PC's, PlayBook, Research in Motion, RIM, samsung, Software, subcontractors, tablets, Taiwan, Taiwan Economic News, technology, TouchPad, touchscreen, WebOS, Xoom
In the uber competitive world of mobile device development suing is fast becoming a sport engaged in by all of the titans of technology. Add another lawsuit to the pile as Samsung Electronics hits Apple with lawsuits in three countries alleging infringement of patents on smartphone technologies. Last week Apple sued Samsung for allegedly copying the designs of Apple’s iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone in its Galaxy smartphone and Galaxy Tab tablet PC.
On Thursday, the South Korean electronics maker sued Apple in Seoul alleging five patent infringements, in Tokyo over two alleged infringements and in Manheim, Germany, over three.
“Samsung is responding actively to the legal action taken against us in order to protect our intellectual property and to ensure our continued innovation and growth in the mobile communications business,” the company said in a statement.
According to Samsung, the lawsuits say Apple infringed on patents concerning reducing data transmission errors in WCDMA (Wideband CDMA) mobile networks, tethering mobile phones to PCs so the PC can use the phone’s wireless data connection, and reducing power consumption when transmitting data over HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) networks.
Apple’s lawsuit filed on April 15 in the U.S. says Samsung copied external design features on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The lawsuit further alleges that Samsung designed application icons for that come close to icons on Apple’s devices.
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Tags: android, apple, applications, apps, carriers, Cellular, Chips, Computing, copying, copyrights, data transmissions, designs, devices, electronics, external design features, features, Galaxy, Galaxy s, Galaxy tab, Germany, Google, handsets, High Speed Packet Access, HSPA+, icons, intellectual property, ipad, iPad 2, Ipod, iPod Touch, Japan, lawsuit, Manheim, manufacturers, market dominance, Mobile, mobile networks, mobile OS, mobiles, networks, operating systems, operators, PC's, phones, processors, Samsung Electronics, Seoul, smartphones, South Korea, tablets, technology, tethering, Tokyo, touchscreens, trademarks, WCDMA, Wideband CDMA, Wireless, wireless data connection
Reports are coming out that stockholders of Nvidia are losing patience with executives as they do not believe the company does not have a sizable share of the smartphone and tablet space.
Analysts were giving warning signs about Nvidia’s share ability to compete against the Apple iPad and iPhone and what appears to be an overall weakness in the PC market. Incidentally, analyst have always speculated that the success of tablets cannibalize PC sales. That said, Nvidia stocks fell around 3.8 percent. Keep in mind there are some who do not want to kick Nvidia to the curb this early in the game.
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Tags: 4G, 720p, android, apple, applications, Blackberry, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, devices, Dual Core, electronics, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, hotspots, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, Kal-El, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, Motorola Bionic, Motorola Bionic delayed, navigation, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, nvidia makes a turnaround, nvidia post a profit, Nvidia stock price drops, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, organizations, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, processors, procs, products, Profits for nVidia, Redwood, revenue, samsung, securing, Security, shipments, smartphones, Software, tablet, tablets, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Tegra II, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, versions, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Wireless
According to Scott Lin, President of Acer Taiwan has said the PC supply chain still has at least three months worth of stock. That said, Lin stated that the Japan earthquake should not have an immediate will on impact on the PC market.
With PC manufacturers, brick and mortar each having at least one month’s worth of inventory, the supply should be fine for up to three months. Nevertheless, Lin did caution that Japan’s power infrastructure is an important factor and taking it online sooner rather than later will be crucial to whether the shortages become more serious. Read More…..
Tags: 4G, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, android, apple, applications, Atom Z670, Atom Z670 cost more than A9 processor, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, blade systems, brands, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, channel partners, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, competitive pricing, competitors, components, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, data centers, Dell, devices, DRM prices go up because of Japan's Earthquake, Dual Core, Earthquake PC Supply, education, electronics, eMachines, email services, Endpoint Technologies, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Gateway, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, hard drives, HD 5570, HD 5670, Help Desk Services, Hewlett-Packard, hotspots, HP, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, Japan Earthquake will hurt PC Supply, Kal-El, laptops, linksys routers, managing, manufacturers, market share, memory, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, navigation, Network Attached Storage, Network routers, networks, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, options kits, organizations, Packard Bell, PC, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, procs, products, Redwood, revenue, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, server products, servers, shipments, small-medium-sized businesses, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet

In you use nVidia’s Tegra 2 processor as a reference point or any Cortex A9 dual core chip; the price is in the same ballpark. However, Intel’s Atom Z670 which just launched will cost a whopping $75.
Unfortunately, this is the most expensive Atom processor thus. However this processor is strictly for tablets and has 5W TDP. Furthermore, the chip needs an SM35 chipset and it will run Windows 7. However support for MeeGo v1.2 and Honeycomb Android 3.0 is expected at a later date. Read More…
Tags: 4G, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, android, apple, applications, Atom Z670, Atom Z670 cost more than A9 processor, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, Dual Core, electronics, email services, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, hotspots, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, Kal-El, linksys routers, managed IT services, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, navigation, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, online data backup, organizations, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, procs, products, Redwood, revenue, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, Server Management, shipments, smartphones, Software, tablet, technical support, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, versions, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet
As we have stated in the past, Microsoft officially rolled out the final release of Windows 7 yesterday to the general public.
Microsoft says Windows 7 SP1 includes all the previous security, performance and stability updates, as well as some major improvements to features and services to make Windows 7 perform even better. Microsoft advised users to use the regular Windows update process, although manual download will probably be the faster way to go. Read More……
Tags: 1080p, 1GHz, 3G, 60606, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, Android OS, apple, applications, ARM, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, browser, business, businesses, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, cpu, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, DirectX, electronics, email services, enterprises, flash, Galaxy tab, Gaming, GPU, graphics, HD, HDMI, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, How to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1, HP Slate, internet, iOS, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, laptops, linksys routers, managed IT services, managing, Microprocessor, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Microsoft Releases Windows 7 Sp1, Microsoft Windows 8 on ARM, Mobile, mobile internet, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, Nokia, online data backup, organizations, OS, PC, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, processors, procs, RIM, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, Server Management, Slate 500, Software, Stream TV, tablet, Tablet PC, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Verizon, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, wi-fi, WiFi, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 7 support, Windows 8, Windows 8 and ARM, Windows SP1, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet
The fortune tellers at Juniper Research have looked into their crystal ball and project that the number of annual shipments of tablet devices will reach 81 million by 2015.
The assumption is based on the fact that more consumer electronics and handset manufacturers will enter the market.
It claimed that Android is allowing both new and existing device manufacturers to enter the market and products have been launched already by companies such as Dell with the Streak, Maylong’s M150 and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab.
Anthony Cox, senior analyst at Juniper Research said that competition for Apple is likely to arrive in earnest in 2011.
Earnest may be a small town in Hicksville USA. Cox thinks that by then Jobs’ and Co. will have launched another version of the iPad and will still be upping the bar.
Apple, as first to market with its compelling hardware and content combination, will maintain its market lead for the medium term, Cox said.
Products using QNX for Blackberry smartphones, Windows Phone 7 and MeeGo will come to market in 2011 and of course the netbook market will be pressured. However Juniper thinks that netbooks will remain resilient in the business market. Read more….
Tags: 4G, 60606, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, android, apple, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computing, data, data centers, Dell, Dell Streak, electronics, email services, Galaxt Tab 10.1, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Help Desk Services, HP, HP Slate, internet, iOS, ipad, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, Juniper Research, Lenovo LePad, linksys routers, Maylong, MeeGo, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Motorola Xoom, Network routers, Nokia, OS, PC, PC repairs, QNX, RIM, Routers, Security, Slate 500, smartphones, Software, tablet, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, TouchPad, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, WiFi, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet, Xoom
Nvidia finally debuted its first quad-core Tegra processor, codenamed Kal-El, and the new chip will probably lead to much more powerful tablets and high-end smartphones.
Nvidia’s Senior VP Phil Carmak of Mobile Business announced that the new processor will deliver a five-fold graphics performance increase over the current Tegra 2 dual-core. The chip is supposedly capable of driving 2560×1600 displays. It is thought that the new chip could power much more serious products than current tablets.
“You’ll have full photo editing, video editing, writing of documents, browsing the Web, all sorts of stuff,” Phil Carmak announced. Read more….
Tags: 4G, 60606, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, android, apple, applications, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, Dual Core, electronics, email services, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, Help Desk Services, hotspots, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, Kal-El, linksys routers, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, navigation, Network Design, Network Optimization, Network routers, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, Nvidia Quad Core Tegra, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, organizations, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, procs, products, Redwood, revenue, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, Server Management, shipments, smartphones, Software, tablet, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, versions, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet
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