Motorola Mobility has snagged a number of experienced mobile and Web engineers from Apple and Adobe and is developing a Web-based mobile operating system as a potential alternative to Google’s Android software, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Asked to comment, Motorola did not refute the existence of the project but continues to affirm its interest in Android. “Motorola Mobility is committed to Android as an operating system,” a company spokesperson stated.
Jonathan Goldberg, an analyst with Deutsche Bank in San Francisco, said that he too had heard Motorola was at work on its own operating system. “I know they’re working on it,” “I think the company recognizes that they need to differentiate and they need options, just in case. Nobody wants to rely on a single supplier.”
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Tags: Adobe, advantages of using a consultant, analysts, android, Android alternative, apple, best Internet Phone Service, business, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, Deutsche Bank, developers, devices, email services, enterprise, financially discplined, fragmentation, frameworks, Google, handsets, hardware, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, HP, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, leveraging web standards, linksys routers, managed IT services, Mobile, mobile operating system, Motorola, Motorola Mobility, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, online data backup, operating systems, options, Oracle, OS, partners, patent infringement, patent lawsuits, PC repairs, phones, product differentiation, products, projects, Routers, San Francisco, Server Management, single supplier, smartphones, Software, software engineering, suppliers, tablets, talent, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, tools, vendors, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, Wall Street, web developers, web engineers, web technologies, web-based, WebOS, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet

Dell is apparently in the process to debut two new microservers that are equipped with low-power consumption efficient processors from AMD and Intel.
Representatives from Dell stated that the PowerEdge C5125 and C5220 were built for businesses that want to set up cloud computing infrastructures. Dell’s Barton George wrote in his blog that the C5125 will utilize AMD processors and will ship next month and the C5220 which will have an Intel processor will ship in May. The PowerEdge eco-friendly servers will have a dense 3U infrastructure that has 12 one-socket servers that can be used for running one application. These types of servers use four times less rack space and cabling which makes data centers more efficient.
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Tags: Acer, advantages of using a consultant, best Internet Phone Service, blade systems, brands, businesses, channel partners, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, competitive pricing, competitors, components, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, consumers, customers, data, data centers, Dell, Desktop Services, devices, Eco-Friendly Microserver, education, electronics, eMachines, email services, encryption, Encryption Software, Endpoint Technologies, enterprises, File Based Encryption, flash drive, Gateway, hard drives, Help Desk Services, Hewlett-Packard, hosted exchange, HP, internet, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, laptops, linksys routers, Mac OS X, managed IT services, manufacturers, market share, memory, Network Attached Storage, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, Online, online data backup, options kits, OS, Packard Bell, PC, PC repairs, PC's, PowerEdge C5125, PowerEdge C5220, Routers, Security, Server Management, server products, servers, small-medium-sized businesses, SMB, Software, storage IDC, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, third-party makers, Toshiba, total package options, tower rack,, USB Drive, various configurations, vendors, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, Windows, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet, worldwide PC shipments
This is shaping up to be quite the season for the tablet wars as Research In Motion’s long-awaited device, the BlackBerry PlayBook, is set to go on sale in the United States and Canada on April 19 at a base price of $499.
RIM said on Tuesday it plans to sell the PlayBook through retailers and wireless carriers including Best Buy, AT&T, Verizon, Radioshack, Sears Canada and Wal-Mart. ReadMore….
Tags: 16 gig, 32 gig, 64 gig, 7-inch screen, advantages of using a consultant, android, applications, apps, AT&T, audio, Best Buy, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, cables, Canada, carriers, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, consumers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, email services, gigabyte, Google, HD, HDMI, Help Desk Services, high definition, hosted exchange, internet, ipad, iPad 2, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, launch date, linksys routers, managed IT services, Mobile, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, North America, Online, online data backup, Operating System, OS, PC repairs, PlayBook Apple, portable device, pre-orders, Radioshack, Research in Motion, retailers, RIM, Routers, Sears, Sears Canada, Server Management, streaming video, tablet wars, tablets, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, television screns, The Syber Group, USA, Verizon, video, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, Walmart, web, wi-fi, Windows Technician, Wireless, wireless carriers, Wireless Internet
The ever increasing popularity of tablets and smartphones has boosted sales of Wi-Fi equipment to new heights as businesses upgrade their wireless networks, analysts reported earlier this month.
Worldwide sales of wireless LAN equipment rose to $769 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, up 28% from the same period in 2009, according to Infonetics Research. Research firm Dell’Oro Group reported that for the full year, wireless network revenue surged by 25%, surpassing $5 billion. Read More……
Tags: advantages of using a consultant, analysts, android, apple, Aruba Networks, best Internet Phone Service, businesses, campuses, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, connectivity, corporations, data centers, Dell, desks, Desktop Services, devices, email services, equipment, Google, guests, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, Infonetics Research, infrastructure, ipad, iPad 2, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, LAN, linksys routers, managed IT services, marketing, meeting rooms, mobilitity, Motorola, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, network revenue, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, office building, online data backup, Oro Group, PC repairs, professionals, revenue, Routers, sales, Server Management, smartphones, tablets, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Guru Review, The Syber Group, upgrades, vendors, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, visitors, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet, wireless LAN, Xoom
With the Playbook supposedly launching in April, it is expected that RIM will a lot of their marketing budget on the corporate space. This is the best strategy for RIM since the company already has a strong presence in the enterprise space with companies that already use Blackberry services as part of their electronic communication infrastructure.
RIM is expected to leverage is clients existing investment in BES Blackberry Enterprise Server). RIM’s strategy gives Playbook a small advantage; since BES customers will be able to utilize functions like provisioning, configuring, applying corporate policies, application deployment/management and auditing PlayBook devices using the BES infrastructure that they already have in place. Read More….
Tags: 3G, 4G, advantages of using a consultant, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, Blackberry App World, BlackBerry Bridge, Bluetooth, Bluetooth tethering, carriers, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, connectivity, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, email services, emails, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, hotspots, HSPA+, internet, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, Japan Earhquake, linksys routers, LTE, managed IT services, Messenger, mobile networks, mobility, models, Network Design, network management, network operators, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networkes, Online, online data backup, optimizing battery life, PC repairs, PC's, PlayBook, Playbook Corporate space, portable devices, Research in Motion, RIM, Routers, Server Management, smartphones, Software, tablets, technical support, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, tethering, The Syber Group, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, wi-fi, WiMax, Windows Technician, Wireless, wireless carriers, Wireless Internet, World Mobile Congress
Hackers have found a way to exploit Adobe Flash Player by using a zero-day vulnerability by using Microsoft Excel documents that was confirmed by Adobe yesterday. Adobe representatives that they will not be able to patch Flash until next week. Therefore, if you use Flash you are on your own until next week. Read More….
Tags: Adobe Flash exploit, advantages of using a consultant, android, Android 2.2.2, Android Market Place, Android Market Security Tool, Apache License, apps, best Internet Phone Service, CA, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, China, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, code, command-and-control server, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, CVE-2011-0609, cybercriminals, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, DroidDream, email services, exploid, Freemont, Google, Hackers, handsets, hardware, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, IMEI, IMSI, infected devices, International Mobile Equipment Identity, International Mobile Subscriber Identity, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, linksys routers, malicious code, malware, managed IT services, Microsoft Excel Exploited, mobile OS, mobiles, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, online data backup, operating systems, owners, patches, PC repairs, phones, projects, rageagainstthecage, Routers, Security, security specialists, security tools, Server Management, servers, SIM cards, SMS, Software, stolen information, Symantec, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, text messaging, The Syber Group, third-party applications, tools, USA, users, vendors, version, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet, Zero Day
Forty-eight percent of U.S. tablet device owners have used them to transmit all kinds of sensitive data, according to a survey released recently by Harris Interactive and FuzeBox.
Considering the explosive increase in tablet computer adoption, this is not entirely shocking news, but it should give pause to business owners and IT professionals. Sometimes without the explicit blessing of the company, employees are increasingly using tablets to answer work email and conduct day-to-day business. Read More…
Tags: advantages of using a consultant, best Internet Phone Service, business owners, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connections, corporate networks, data, data centers, data transmission, day-to-day business, Desktop Services, desktops, device owners, devices, Email, email services, exploits, FuzeBox, Harris Interactive, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, information, information technology, insecure networks, internet, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT professionals, IT support services, IT teams, laptops, linksys routers, managed IT services, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, Online, online data backup, PC repairs, Routers, secured connections, secured networks, Security, security rules, sensitive data, Server Management, smartphones, strong passwords, Surveys, tablet adoption rates, tablets, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, viruses, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet

It is being reported that hackers have been able to exploit holes in Windows and Microsoft new of the issue since January of 2011.
The exploit deals with the Windows protocol handler in Windows for MHTML. Be advised the exploit can only be done if the user is running Internet Explorer. Apparently, hackers are using cross-site scripting attacks are intercepting and collecting peoples information, spoofing the content that is displayed to the browser, or interfering with the user’s browsing activities. Read More….
Tags: 4Chan, account numbers, address, advantages of using a consultant, anti-virus, applications, attacks, backdoor, best Internet Phone Service, beta, Blog site, Brooklyn, browsers, bug, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, code, commands, computer, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, cross-site scripting, CSS, data, data centers, DEP, Desktop Services, download, Email, email services, FedComp, format, Gawker sites Hacked, Hackers, hacking, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, IE, IE6, IE7, IE8, internet, Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer security issues, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, Laptop, link, linksys routers, machine, malware, managed IT services, MHTML, Microsoft, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, online data backup, payments, PC repairs, PC's, processor, production servers, prosecution, Routers, Security Issues Windows, sell, Server Management, servers, site, Software, Spam, Symantec, systems, technical support, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, test computers, test system, The Syber Group, US Secret Service, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, website, Windows, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet

In you use nVidia’s Tegra 2 processor as a reference point or any Cortex A9 dual core chip; the price is in the same ballpark. However, Intel’s Atom Z670 which just launched will cost a whopping $75.
Unfortunately, this is the most expensive Atom processor thus. However this processor is strictly for tablets and has 5W TDP. Furthermore, the chip needs an SM35 chipset and it will run Windows 7. However support for MeeGo v1.2 and Honeycomb Android 3.0 is expected at a later date. Read More…
Tags: 4G, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, android, apple, applications, Atom Z670, Atom Z670 cost more than A9 processor, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, Dual Core, electronics, email services, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, hotspots, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, Kal-El, linksys routers, managed IT services, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, navigation, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, online data backup, organizations, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, procs, products, Redwood, revenue, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, Server Management, shipments, smartphones, Software, tablet, technical support, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, versions, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet

Intel had a horrible start in 2011 when they released the first Sandy Bridge Motherboards that had a faulty SATA bug. Nevertheless, it appears as if the first P67 motherboards with the B3-stepping silicon fix have finally hit the market.
Other Intel OEMs have also listed a number of B3-stepping boards, but are not available to consumers. The boards are probably ready, but they are stuck in a shipping container somewhere on the high seas and if Somali pirates don’t have their way the boards should be in Europe soon. Read More…
Tags: 1080p, 28nm, 3D Steroscopic, 3G, 40-bit virtualization, 64-bit processor, 720p, Accelerated Parallel Processing, advanced technology, advantages of using a consultant, AMD, AMD 6800, AMD 6950 Unlockable via Bios, AMD Bio Hack, AMD HD3D, AMD releases a 1GB Version of the HD 6950, App, ARM, ATI, best Internet Phone Service, Blu Ray, Cheap, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, Chip, Cinebench 10.0, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, components, computer, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, Core i5, Core i7, Cortex-A15, cpu, data, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, Direct X, Direct3D, Dollars, double patterning, Drivers, electronics, email services, Gaming, Gb, GPU, GPU's, graphics, Graphics cards, GTX, GTX 460, HD 5000, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, Intel, Intel B3 6 Series, Intel B3 Sandy Bridge to Ship today, Intel Core i5 2400, Intel Core i5 2400 3.1GHz, Intel Core i5 2400 Benchmark Results, Intel Sandy Bridge, internet, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, linksys routers, managed IT services, manufacture, Microprocessor, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Mobile, money, Motherboards, MSRP, nanometers, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, New Sandy Bridge B3 Motherboards, Nvidia, Nvidia’s GTX 560 Ti, Oak Trail, online data backup, Open GL, OS, PC, PC repairs, PC's, Pricing, processors, Radeon HD 2000, Radeon Hd 6000, Raseon Graphic Card, Routers, Sandy Bridge B3, Sandy Bridge B3-P67 Motherboard, Sandy Bridge Processors, Security, semiconductor, Server Management, SOC, Software, Stero 3D, Stream TV, Sysmark, System on a Chip, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, transistors, TSMC, video, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, WiFi, Windows, Windows 7, Windows Phone 7, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet, WMV HD
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