Android will be the operating system of choice for 45% of smartphones shipped by the year 2016. It will take up most of the market share vacated by the soon-to-be exiting of Nokia’s Symbian operating system, according to figures released today by ABI Research.
Although Android will come to be the dominant player in the smartphone market, this doesn’t mean that OSes will necessarily see a big cut in their own market shares, ABI said.
In fact, the firm projects that Apple’s iOS will see its market share rise from 16% in 2010 to 19% in 2016, while Research In Motion’s BlackBerry OS is expected to fall slightly from 16% in 2010 to 14% in 2016. Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 and Samsung’s Bada will also be players in the 2016 smartphone market, as ABI projects those two operating systems to take 10% and 7%, respectively.
ABI vice president Kevin Burden says that although RIM stands to lose a bit between now and 2016, the company will carve a comfortable niche for itself in the enterprise market, as enterprise users will still need the security provided by RIM’s network operations center.
“RIM’s slight loss of share doesn’t mean falling shipments,” he says. “RIM has found its niche, but the consumer market will grow faster than its portion of it.”
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Tags: 3G, 4G, ABI Research, advantages of using a consultant, android, Android-based phones, apple, appplications, apps, AT&T, Bada, Blackberry, Blackberry OS, Canalys, carriers, Cellular, Chicago Internet Providers, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, computer network services, Computer Outsourcing, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computing, consumers, content, customers, data backup, data centers, Desktop Services, developers, Device, devices, domestic, Droid, email services, enterprise market, Google, Help Desk Services, HTC, international, internet, iOS, iPhone, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, linksys routers, LTE, managed IT services, market share, Microsoft, Mobile, Motorola, MPLS, Network Design, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, Nielsen, Nokia, Online, operating systems, operation centers, OS, PC repairs, PC Technician, phones, research firm, Research in Motion, RIM, Routers, samsung, Security, shipments, smartphones, Sprint, streaming, Symbian, tablets, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, Verizon, Virtualization, VoIP, voip office phone systems chicago, VoIP Provider in Illinois, web, Windows, Windows Phone 7, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet, worldwide, WP7
This is shaping up to be quite the season for the tablet wars as Research In Motion’s long-awaited device, the BlackBerry PlayBook, is set to go on sale in the United States and Canada on April 19 at a base price of $499.
RIM said on Tuesday it plans to sell the PlayBook through retailers and wireless carriers including Best Buy, AT&T, Verizon, Radioshack, Sears Canada and Wal-Mart. ReadMore….
Tags: 16 gig, 32 gig, 64 gig, 7-inch screen, advantages of using a consultant, android, applications, apps, AT&T, audio, Best Buy, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, cables, Canada, carriers, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, consumers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, email services, gigabyte, Google, HD, HDMI, Help Desk Services, high definition, hosted exchange, internet, ipad, iPad 2, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, launch date, linksys routers, managed IT services, Mobile, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, North America, Online, online data backup, Operating System, OS, PC repairs, PlayBook Apple, portable device, pre-orders, Radioshack, Research in Motion, retailers, RIM, Routers, Sears, Sears Canada, Server Management, streaming video, tablet wars, tablets, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, television screns, The Syber Group, USA, Verizon, video, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, Walmart, web, wi-fi, Windows Technician, Wireless, wireless carriers, Wireless Internet
With the Playbook supposedly launching in April, it is expected that RIM will a lot of their marketing budget on the corporate space. This is the best strategy for RIM since the company already has a strong presence in the enterprise space with companies that already use Blackberry services as part of their electronic communication infrastructure.
RIM is expected to leverage is clients existing investment in BES Blackberry Enterprise Server). RIM’s strategy gives Playbook a small advantage; since BES customers will be able to utilize functions like provisioning, configuring, applying corporate policies, application deployment/management and auditing PlayBook devices using the BES infrastructure that they already have in place. Read More….
Tags: 3G, 4G, advantages of using a consultant, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, Blackberry App World, BlackBerry Bridge, Bluetooth, Bluetooth tethering, carriers, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, connectivity, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, email services, emails, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, hotspots, HSPA+, internet, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, Japan Earhquake, linksys routers, LTE, managed IT services, Messenger, mobile networks, mobility, models, Network Design, network management, network operators, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networkes, Online, online data backup, optimizing battery life, PC repairs, PC's, PlayBook, Playbook Corporate space, portable devices, Research in Motion, RIM, Routers, Server Management, smartphones, Software, tablets, technical support, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, tethering, The Syber Group, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, wi-fi, WiMax, Windows Technician, Wireless, wireless carriers, Wireless Internet, World Mobile Congress
Android smartphones bested iPhone and BlackBerry devices for the first time in the U.S. in the latest Nielsen Co. survey conducted right before Verizon Wireless began selling Apple’s iPhone.
Android devices made by several phone makers were used by 29% of the U.S. market in the November through January reporting period. That compares to 27% each for both Apple iPhones and BlackBerry devices from Research in Motion, Nielsen said.
In Nielsen’s most recent report from December, the three top smartphone operating systems were in a statistical dead heat, a Nielsen spokeswoman said Friday.
Microsoft’s Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 smartphones garnered 10% of the U.S. market from November through January, while the WebOS from Hewlett-Packard gained 4% and Symbian from Nokia earned 2%. Read More…
Tags: advantages of using a consultant, analysts, analysts firms, android, apple, audio, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, blogging, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, competing devices, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, consumers, content, customers, data centers, devices, email services, Gartner, Help Desk Services, Hewlett-Packard, HP, HTC, IDC, iOS, iPhone, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, linksys routers, Makers, market share, markets, Mobile, mobile subscribers, Motorla, Music, Network routers, Nielsen, Nokia, Online, operating systems, OS, PC repairs, phone manufacturers, post-paid customers, Research in Motion, RIM, Routers, sales, sales figures, samsung, shipments, social media, Surveys, Symbian, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, US markets, user data, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, WebOS, Windows, Windows Phone 7, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet, WP7, younger consumers
As we have stated in the past, Microsoft officially rolled out the final release of Windows 7 yesterday to the general public.
Microsoft says Windows 7 SP1 includes all the previous security, performance and stability updates, as well as some major improvements to features and services to make Windows 7 perform even better. Microsoft advised users to use the regular Windows update process, although manual download will probably be the faster way to go. Read More……
Tags: 1080p, 1GHz, 3G, 60606, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, Android OS, apple, applications, ARM, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, browser, business, businesses, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, cpu, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, DirectX, electronics, email services, enterprises, flash, Galaxy tab, Gaming, GPU, graphics, HD, HDMI, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, How to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1, HP Slate, internet, iOS, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, laptops, linksys routers, managed IT services, managing, Microprocessor, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Microsoft Releases Windows 7 Sp1, Microsoft Windows 8 on ARM, Mobile, mobile internet, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, Nokia, online data backup, organizations, OS, PC, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, processors, procs, RIM, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, Server Management, Slate 500, Software, Stream TV, tablet, Tablet PC, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Verizon, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, wi-fi, WiFi, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 7 support, Windows 8, Windows 8 and ARM, Windows SP1, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet
The fortune tellers at Juniper Research have looked into their crystal ball and project that the number of annual shipments of tablet devices will reach 81 million by 2015.
The assumption is based on the fact that more consumer electronics and handset manufacturers will enter the market.
It claimed that Android is allowing both new and existing device manufacturers to enter the market and products have been launched already by companies such as Dell with the Streak, Maylong’s M150 and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab.
Anthony Cox, senior analyst at Juniper Research said that competition for Apple is likely to arrive in earnest in 2011.
Earnest may be a small town in Hicksville USA. Cox thinks that by then Jobs’ and Co. will have launched another version of the iPad and will still be upping the bar.
Apple, as first to market with its compelling hardware and content combination, will maintain its market lead for the medium term, Cox said.
Products using QNX for Blackberry smartphones, Windows Phone 7 and MeeGo will come to market in 2011 and of course the netbook market will be pressured. However Juniper thinks that netbooks will remain resilient in the business market. Read more….
Tags: 4G, 60606, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, android, apple, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computing, data, data centers, Dell, Dell Streak, electronics, email services, Galaxt Tab 10.1, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Help Desk Services, HP, HP Slate, internet, iOS, ipad, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, Juniper Research, Lenovo LePad, linksys routers, Maylong, MeeGo, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Motorola Xoom, Network routers, Nokia, OS, PC, PC repairs, QNX, RIM, Routers, Security, Slate 500, smartphones, Software, tablet, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, TouchPad, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, WiFi, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet, Xoom
The current rumor on the street is that Microsoft might be looking beyond the recently released OneNote for iPad. Insiders are saying Microsoft is closely monitoring the number of downloads of OneNote for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch to perhaps gauge the possible interest in adding more productivity software for Apple iOS suite of products. Read More…..
Tags: accounts,, app stores, apple, Apple enthusiasts, apps, Blackberry, blogging, businesses, Changewave, companies, Computers, customers, declining circulations, Dell, desktops, digital content, digital newspapers, digital publicatiions, digital versions, downloads, Email, employees, enterprise players, Guggenheim, HP, internet, invitation, ipad, IT purchases, iTunes, joint venture, Kindle, laptops, lower ad revenue, magazines, media, media giants, Microsoft One Note, monthly basis, monthly subscriptions, MS Office for the iPad, MS OneNote, New York Times, News Corp, newspapers, Online, pay schemes, PC's, photographs, PlayBook, press, product of choice, publications, RIM, Rupert Murdoch, sales, satisfaction, single-issue, Steve Jobs, Streak, subscriber data, subscriptions, Surveys, tablets, technology, technology blogs, The Daily, work-related
Google’s Android dethroned Nokia’s Symbian as the global leader in smartphone operating systems in the last quarter of 2010, ending a reign that began with the birth of the industry approximately ten years ago.
The changing of the guard reflects just how quickly Google, which offers its software to phone makers for free, has risen to the top of the smartphone market ahead of Apple’s rapid ascension. Google and Apple have revolutionized the smartphone market in recent years, sending Nokia scrambling.
In the fourth quarter, phonemakers sold 32.9 million Android-equipped phones globally, roughly seven times more than the year-earlier quarter, compared with Symbian’s sales of 31 million, according to Research firm Canalys.
The numbers also highlight Google’s success in battling Apple, whose shipments of its popular iPhone increased to 16.2 million from 8.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2009.
Unlike Apple or Nokia, Google does not make its own phone hardware but instead offers its Android operating system free to other phone makers who can customize it to suit their devices.
As a result, Android has become the standard software for many phone makers. U.S. phone maker Motorola Inc has even managed to stage a comeback of sorts by focusing solely on Android after years of heavy market share losses….. Read More
Tags: aggressively promoted, android, Android-equipped phones, apple, apps, Blackberry, cellphones, Cellular, customized applications, devices, Google, hardware, heavy market losses, HTC, iOS, LG Electronics, Microsoft Corporation, mobile phones, Motorola, Nokia, operating systems, OS, phone makers, phones, RIM, sales, Samsung Electronics, smartphone market, smartphones, Software, Stephen Elop, Symbian, unveil new strategy
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