IBM has unveiled the latest stage in its plans to generate a computer system that copies the human brain, calculating tasks that are relatively easy for humans but difficult for computers.
As part of the firm’s Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) project, IBM researchers have been working with Cornell University and Inilabs to create the programming language with $53m in funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
First unveiled two years ago this month, the technology – which mimics both the size and power of humanity’s most complex organ – looks to solve the problems created by traditional computing models when handling vast amounts of high speed data.
IBM explained the new programming language, perhaps not in layman’s terms, by saying it “breaks the mould of sequential operation underlying today’s von Neumann architectures and computers” and instead “is tailored for a new class of distributed, highly interconnected, asynchronous, parallel, large-scale cognitive computing architectures”.
That, in English, basically means that it could be used to create next generation intelligent sensor networks that are capable of perception, action and cognition, the sorts of mental processes that humans take for granted and perform with ease.
Dr Dharmendra Modha, who heads the programme at IBM Research, expanded on what this might mean for the future, sayng that the time has come to move forward into the next stage of information technology.
“Today, we’re at another turning point in the history of information technology. The era that Backus and his contemporaries helped create, the programmable computing era, is being superseded by the era of cognitive computing.
“Increasingly, computers will gather huge quantities of data, reason over the data, and learn from their interactions with information and people. These new capabilities will help us penetrate complexity and make better decisions about everything from how to manage cities to how to solve confounding business problems.”
The hardware for IBM’s cognitive computers mimic the brain, as they are built around small “neurosynaptic cores”. The cores are modeled on the brain, and feature 256 “neurons” (processors), 256 “axons” (memory) and 64,000 “synapses” (communications between neurons and axons).
IBM suggested that potential uses for this technology could include a pair of glasses which assist the visually impaired when navigating through potentially hazardous environments. Taking in vast amounts of visual and sound data, the augmented reality glasses would highlight obstacles such as kerbs and cars, and steer the user clear of danger.
Other uses could include intelligent microphones that keep track of who is speaking to create an accurate transcript of any conversation.
In the long term, IBM hopes to build a cognitive computer scaled to 100 trillion synapses. This would fit inside a space with a volume of no more than two litres while consuming less than one kilowatt of power.
Tags: answers, applications, businesses, Chips, computation, Computers, Computing, consumers, contestants, DARPA, data, data processing, David Ferrucci, diagnosis, domains, enterprise, feedback, games, hardware, humans, IBM, IBM Smarter Computing Executive Forum, IBM SyNAPSE, information, intelligence, internet, investigators, Jeopardy, knowledge, machines, New York, NY, Online, processors, programs, projects, quizzes, Software, Supercomputer, SyNAPSE, systems, Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics, technology, topics, tv, uses, Watson, web
Tomorrow’s computers will constantly improve their understanding of the data they work with, which in turn will aid them in providing users with more appropriate information, predicted the software mastermind behind IBM’s Watson system.
Computers in the future “will learn through interacting with us. They will not necessarily require us to sit down and explicitly program them, but through continuous interaction with humans they will start to understand the kind of data and the kind of computation we need,” said IBM Fellow David Ferrucci, who was IBM’s principal investigator for Watson technologies. Ferrucci spoke at the IBM Smarter Computing Executive Forum, held Wednesday in New York.
“This notion of learning through collaboration and interaction is where we think computing is going,” he said.
IBM’s Watson project was an exercise for the company in how to build machines that can better anticipate user needs.
IBM researchers spent four years developing Watson, a supercomputer designed specifically to compete in the TV quiz show “Jeopardy,” a contest that took place last year. On “Jeopardy,” contestants are asked a range of questions across a wide variety of topic areas.
Watson did win at its “Jeopardy” match. Now IBM thinks the Watson computing model can have a wide range of uses.
Tags: answers, applications, businesses, Chips, computation, Computers, Computing, consumers, contestants, data, data processing, David Ferrucci, diagnosis, domains, enterprise, feedback, games, hardware, humans, IBM, IBM Smarter Computing Executive Forum, information, intelligence, internet, investigators, Jeopardy, knowledge, machines, New York, NY, Online, processors, programs, projects, quizzes, Software, Supercomputer, systems, technology, topics, tv, uses, Watson, web
Sources have confirmed that most Tegra 2 tablets you know will get Ice Cream Sandwich. We are still sniffing around to find out if the ICS is going to end up as Android 4.0 but it will bring phones and tablets much closer and should ship in October or November.
Many Asus, Samsung, Toshiba, Lenovo, Sony and any other Android 3.x compatible tablets on market will have a chance to get the new one. The upgrade will come as manufacturers get it ready and customized for its tablets but most tablets will ship with Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, probably early next year at the latest.
This is good news for many who were brave to buy the first generation of tablets not based on Apple’s architecture and it will help Google to gather even more momentum for 2012. 2012 looks like a year when Google will be ready for real war against Apple, but at the same time, Android supporters fear that Windows 8 will get a lot of attention when it ships in late 2012.
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Tags: android, applications, business, businesses, cars, Computers, Computing, consumers, customers, devices, Dual Core, electronics, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, hotspots, HTC, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, Kal-El, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, Motorola Bionic, navigation, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, PC's, PlayBook, Power consumption, processors, procs, products, Redwood, securing, Security, tablet, tablets, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Tegra 3 Quad Core, Tegra II, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, webinars, wi-fi, Wireless
It appears as though Nvidia’s next generation quad-core Kal-El (Tegra 3) quad core SoC will also show up on smartphones too. Originally, it was believed that the SoC would only support the ever growing tablet space.
Inside sources have confirmed that projects are already underway and that Tegra 3 aka Kal-El smartphones will be make a debut as well.
Nvidia had hoped to get a lot of play out of Tegra 2, unfortunately the chip was not as embraced as Nvidia had wanted. Even though the Tegra 2 SoC did manage to get a few design wins.
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Tags: android, apple, applications, Blackberry, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, devices, Dual Core, electronics, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, hotspots, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, Kal-El, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, Motorola Bionic, Motorola Bionic delayed, navigation, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, nvidia makes a turnaround, nvidia post a profit, Nvidia stock price drops, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, organizations, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, processors, procs, products, Profits for nVidia, Redwood, revenue, samsung, securing, Security, shipments, smartphones, Software, tablet, tablets, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Tegra 3 Quad Core, Tegra II, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, versions, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Wireless
Acer updated its Timeline notebook series with Intel’s Sandy Bridge family of CPUs. The Timeline X series will come in three sizes, 13.3-inch, 14-inch and 15.6-inch and they are about an inch thick. Furthermore, the notebooks will be equipped with Acer’s PowerSmart Technology that is supposed to provide battery life of up to nine hours on models with integrated graphics and up to eight hours for those models with discrete graphics.
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Tags: 4G, 720p, Acer, Acer TimeLineX, android, apple, applications, business, cars, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, customers, Dual Core, electronics, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Gaming, GT 430, hotspots, internet, IT, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Mobile, mobile internet, navigation, notebooks, organizations, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, procs, products, Sandy Bridge, Security, shipments, tablet, technology, TimelineX, topics, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Wireless
Reports are coming out that stockholders of Nvidia are losing patience with executives as they do not believe the company does not have a sizable share of the smartphone and tablet space.
Analysts were giving warning signs about Nvidia’s share ability to compete against the Apple iPad and iPhone and what appears to be an overall weakness in the PC market. Incidentally, analyst have always speculated that the success of tablets cannibalize PC sales. That said, Nvidia stocks fell around 3.8 percent. Keep in mind there are some who do not want to kick Nvidia to the curb this early in the game.
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Tags: 4G, 720p, android, apple, applications, Blackberry, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, devices, Dual Core, electronics, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, hotspots, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, Kal-El, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, Motorola Bionic, Motorola Bionic delayed, navigation, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, nvidia makes a turnaround, nvidia post a profit, Nvidia stock price drops, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, organizations, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, processors, procs, products, Profits for nVidia, Redwood, revenue, samsung, securing, Security, shipments, smartphones, Software, tablet, tablets, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Tegra II, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, versions, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Wireless
Google has decided to launch its own quarterly online magazine, Think Quarterly, out of its centers in the U.K. and Ireland, saying that “in a world of accelerating change, we all need to take time to reflect.”
The first issue of Think Quarterly is already freely available online and is focuses on data, including data obesity, data impotence, data overload and open data.
“Think Quarterly is a unique communications tool that brings together some of the world’s leading minds to discuss the big issues facing businesses today,” the magazine says on its Twitter bio.
The magazine’s Twitter feed says it launched on March 21, though there is no mention of the magazine on Google’s blog, Twitter feed, Facebook page or newsroom.
In a note on the magazine’s website, the managing director of Google’s U.K. & Ireland Operations, Matt Brittin, said, “Think Quarterly is a breathing space in a busy world. It’s a place to take time out and consider what’s happening and why it matters.”
Tags: applications, articles, audience, blogs, businesses, communications tool, companies, Computers, data, data impotence, data obesity, data overload, discussions, Facebook, Google, hardware, information, insights, inspirations, internet, Ireland, magazines, magic metrics, managing director, media, newsrooms, Online, open data, operations, operations centers, readers, social media, Software, technology, Think Quarterly, topics, tweets, Twitter, Twitter bio, Twitter feeds, U.K., web, websites

In you use nVidia’s Tegra 2 processor as a reference point or any Cortex A9 dual core chip; the price is in the same ballpark. However, Intel’s Atom Z670 which just launched will cost a whopping $75.
Unfortunately, this is the most expensive Atom processor thus. However this processor is strictly for tablets and has 5W TDP. Furthermore, the chip needs an SM35 chipset and it will run Windows 7. However support for MeeGo v1.2 and Honeycomb Android 3.0 is expected at a later date. Read More…
Tags: 4G, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, android, apple, applications, Atom Z670, Atom Z670 cost more than A9 processor, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, Dual Core, electronics, email services, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, hotspots, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, Kal-El, linksys routers, managed IT services, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, navigation, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, online data backup, organizations, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, procs, products, Redwood, revenue, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, Server Management, shipments, smartphones, Software, tablet, technical support, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, versions, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet
As we have stated in the past, Microsoft officially rolled out the final release of Windows 7 yesterday to the general public.
Microsoft says Windows 7 SP1 includes all the previous security, performance and stability updates, as well as some major improvements to features and services to make Windows 7 perform even better. Microsoft advised users to use the regular Windows update process, although manual download will probably be the faster way to go. Read More……
Tags: 1080p, 1GHz, 3G, 60606, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, Android OS, apple, applications, ARM, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, browser, business, businesses, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, computer, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, cpu, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, DirectX, electronics, email services, enterprises, flash, Galaxy tab, Gaming, GPU, graphics, HD, HDMI, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, How to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1, HP Slate, internet, iOS, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, laptops, linksys routers, managed IT services, managing, Microprocessor, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Microsoft Releases Windows 7 Sp1, Microsoft Windows 8 on ARM, Mobile, mobile internet, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, Nokia, online data backup, organizations, OS, PC, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, processors, procs, RIM, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, Server Management, Slate 500, Software, Stream TV, tablet, Tablet PC, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Verizon, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, wi-fi, WiFi, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 7 support, Windows 8, Windows 8 and ARM, Windows SP1, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet
Nvidia finally debuted its first quad-core Tegra processor, codenamed Kal-El, and the new chip will probably lead to much more powerful tablets and high-end smartphones.
Nvidia’s Senior VP Phil Carmak of Mobile Business announced that the new processor will deliver a five-fold graphics performance increase over the current Tegra 2 dual-core. The chip is supposedly capable of driving 2560×1600 displays. It is thought that the new chip could power much more serious products than current tablets.
“You’ll have full photo editing, video editing, writing of documents, browsing the Web, all sorts of stuff,” Phil Carmak announced. Read more….
Tags: 4G, 60606, 720p, advantages of using a consultant, android, apple, applications, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, business, businesses, cars, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, connectivity, consumers, CoreMark, customers, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, Dual Core, electronics, email services, Energy Efficient, enterprises, Fast CPU for smartphones, Galaxy tab, Gaming, Google, Green energy efficiency, GT 430, HD 5570, HD 5670, Help Desk Services, hotspots, HTPC card, Intel Core 2 Duo T7200, internet, iOS, iOS 4.2, ipad, iPhone, IT, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, Kal-El, linksys routers, managing, Microprocessors, Microsoft, MiFi, Mobile, mobile internet, navigation, Network Design, Network Optimization, Network routers, notebooks, Nvidia has Quad Core Chip, Nvidia has Quad Core Microprocessor, Nvidia Kal-EL, Nvidia Quad Core Tegra, Nvidia Tegra 2 more popular than Intels Oak Trail, Nvidia's Kal-El, organizations, PC repairs, PC's, phones, PlayBook, Power consumption, procs, products, Redwood, revenue, Routers, samsung, securing, Security, Server Management, shipments, smartphones, Software, tablet, technology, Tegra, Tegra 3, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, topics, Toshiba Tablet, Toshiba to enter the Tablet Market, Verizon, versions, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, webinars, wi-fi, WiFi, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet