Dell is apparently in the process to debut two new microservers that are equipped with low-power consumption efficient processors from AMD and Intel.
Representatives from Dell stated that the PowerEdge C5125 and C5220 were built for businesses that want to set up cloud computing infrastructures. Dell’s Barton George wrote in his blog that the C5125 will utilize AMD processors and will ship next month and the C5220 which will have an Intel processor will ship in May. The PowerEdge eco-friendly servers will have a dense 3U infrastructure that has 12 one-socket servers that can be used for running one application. These types of servers use four times less rack space and cabling which makes data centers more efficient.
Read More….
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With many versions of the Core i5 Sandy Bridge processor already on the market, Intel has assumed another CPU will not hurt the brand.
Therefore it is being rumored that Intel will release the Core i5 2310 processor which is supposedly 100MHz faster than the Core i5 2300. Read more….
Tags: 1080p, 28nm, 3D Steroscopic, 3G, 40-bit virtualization, 64-bit processor, 720p, Accelerated Parallel Processing, advanced technology, advantages of using a consultant, AMD, AMD 6800, AMD 6950 Unlockable via Bios, AMD Bio Hack, AMD HD3D, AMD releases a 1GB Version of the HD 6950, App, ARM, ATI, best Internet Phone Service, Blu Ray, Cheap, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, Chip, Cinebench 10.0, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, components, computer, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, Core i5, Core i5 Sandy Bridge 2310, Core i7, Cortex-A15, cpu, data, data centers, devices, Direct X, Direct3D, Dollars, double patterning, Drivers, electronics, email services, Gaming, Gb, GPU, GPU's, graphics, Graphics cards, GTX, GTX 460, HD 5000, Help Desk Services, Intel, Intel B3 6 Series, Intel B3 Sandy Bridge to Ship today, Intel Core i5 2310, Intel Core i5 2400, Intel Core i5 2400 3.1GHz, Intel Core i5 2400 Benchmark Results, Intel Sandy Bridge, internet, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, linksys routers, manufacture, Microprocessor, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Mobile, money, Motherboards, MSRP, nanometers, Network routers, networks, New Sandy Bridge B3 Motherboards, Nvidia, Nvidia’s GTX 560 Ti, Oak Trail, Open GL, OS, PC, PC repairs, PC's, Pricing, processors, Radeon HD 2000, Radeon Hd 6000, Raseon Graphic Card, Routers, Sandy Bridge, Sandy Bridge B3, Sandy Bridge B3-P67 Motherboard, Sandy Bridge Processors, Security, semiconductor, SOC, Software, Stero 3D, Stream TV, Sysmark, System on a Chip, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, transistors, TSMC, video, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, WiFi, Windows, Windows 7, Windows Phone 7, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet, WMV HD
Mozilla’s Firefox 4, the latest offering of the second most popular Web browser in the world, will be officially released on March 22, 2011.
It’s been a long time coming. The first Firefox 4 beta was released July 6, 2010. At the time, Mozilla was aiming to deliver a release candidate this past autumn.
Launching several months late isn’t ideal but Google’s release practices have made Firefox’s tardiness look worse. Google launched Chrome 5 on May 21, 2010. On March 8, 2011, Google released Chrome 10. Is Firefox now five generations behind Chrome? Hardly. The four major Web browsers — Chrome 10, Firefox 4, Internet Explorer 9, and Safari 5 — are more comparable and competitive than ever before.
Johnathan Nightingale, director of Firefox development, says Firefox has more than 400 million users worldwide and a 30% global market share.
NetApplications, an Internet metrics company, suggest that figure is closer to 22% and flat, if not falling. The most significant number Nightingale cites is six: “Firefox 4 is fast,” he said. “It’s blazing fast. Six times faster than any Firefox we’ve done before.”
Other browser makers make similar claims too, though some of those claims are more actively disputed than others, like Microsoft’s assertions about hardware acceleration. Read more……
Tags: advantages of using a consultant, APIs, App Tabs, apple, audio, Awesome Bar, best Internet Phone Service, browsers, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, Chrome, Chrome 10 Internet Explorer 8, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computing, data centers, developers, Direct2D, email services, Firefox, Firefox 4, first-class experience, global market share, Google, hardware, hardware acceleration, HD, Help Desk Services, html 5, IE 8, IE 9, internet, internet metrics company, iOS, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, launch, linksys routers, MAC, Microsoft, Mozilla, Mozilla Audio API, navigation, NetApplications, Network routers, Online, operating systems, OS, PC repairs, release candidates, Routers, Safari 5, Safari Chrome 5, Software, software development, speed, Switch to Tabs, tabs, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, URL bar, URLs, user interface, users, video, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, Vista, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, web apps, WebGL, WebM, Windows, Windows 7, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet, XP

It is being reported that hackers have been able to exploit holes in Windows and Microsoft new of the issue since January of 2011.
The exploit deals with the Windows protocol handler in Windows for MHTML. Be advised the exploit can only be done if the user is running Internet Explorer. Apparently, hackers are using cross-site scripting attacks are intercepting and collecting peoples information, spoofing the content that is displayed to the browser, or interfering with the user’s browsing activities. Read More….
Tags: 4Chan, account numbers, address, advantages of using a consultant, anti-virus, applications, attacks, backdoor, best Internet Phone Service, beta, Blog site, Brooklyn, browsers, bug, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, code, commands, computer, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, cross-site scripting, CSS, data, data centers, DEP, Desktop Services, download, Email, email services, FedComp, format, Gawker sites Hacked, Hackers, hacking, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, IE, IE6, IE7, IE8, internet, Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer security issues, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, Laptop, link, linksys routers, machine, malware, managed IT services, MHTML, Microsoft, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, online data backup, payments, PC repairs, PC's, processor, production servers, prosecution, Routers, Security Issues Windows, sell, Server Management, servers, site, Software, Spam, Symantec, systems, technical support, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, test computers, test system, The Syber Group, US Secret Service, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, website, Windows, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet

Intel had a horrible start in 2011 when they released the first Sandy Bridge Motherboards that had a faulty SATA bug. Nevertheless, it appears as if the first P67 motherboards with the B3-stepping silicon fix have finally hit the market.
Other Intel OEMs have also listed a number of B3-stepping boards, but are not available to consumers. The boards are probably ready, but they are stuck in a shipping container somewhere on the high seas and if Somali pirates don’t have their way the boards should be in Europe soon. Read More…
Tags: 1080p, 28nm, 3D Steroscopic, 3G, 40-bit virtualization, 64-bit processor, 720p, Accelerated Parallel Processing, advanced technology, advantages of using a consultant, AMD, AMD 6800, AMD 6950 Unlockable via Bios, AMD Bio Hack, AMD HD3D, AMD releases a 1GB Version of the HD 6950, App, ARM, ATI, best Internet Phone Service, Blu Ray, Cheap, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, Chip, Cinebench 10.0, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, components, computer, computer consultant, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer network services, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, Core i5, Core i7, Cortex-A15, cpu, data, data centers, Desktop Services, devices, Direct X, Direct3D, Dollars, double patterning, Drivers, electronics, email services, Gaming, Gb, GPU, GPU's, graphics, Graphics cards, GTX, GTX 460, HD 5000, Help Desk Services, hosted exchange, Intel, Intel B3 6 Series, Intel B3 Sandy Bridge to Ship today, Intel Core i5 2400, Intel Core i5 2400 3.1GHz, Intel Core i5 2400 Benchmark Results, Intel Sandy Bridge, internet, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, IT support services, linksys routers, managed IT services, manufacture, Microprocessor, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Mobile, money, Motherboards, MSRP, nanometers, Network Design, network management, Network Optimization, Network routers, Network Services, network solutions, network support services, networks, New Sandy Bridge B3 Motherboards, Nvidia, Nvidia’s GTX 560 Ti, Oak Trail, online data backup, Open GL, OS, PC, PC repairs, PC's, Pricing, processors, Radeon HD 2000, Radeon Hd 6000, Raseon Graphic Card, Routers, Sandy Bridge B3, Sandy Bridge B3-P67 Motherboard, Sandy Bridge Processors, Security, semiconductor, Server Management, SOC, Software, Stero 3D, Stream TV, Sysmark, System on a Chip, technical support, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, transistors, TSMC, video, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, WiFi, Windows, Windows 7, Windows Phone 7, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet, WMV HD

We found out Bloggers using the WordPress platform was shutdown by a DDos attack yesterday that apparently affected many blog sites.
The DDos hostilities began in the morning and lasted for a couple of hours. The estimates on the DDos attack was thought to be “multiple Gigabits per second and tens of millions of packets per second”, according to sources, WordPress is working with their providers to prevent such acts from ever taking place again.WordPress the attack is over, though in Chicago, Dallas and San Antonio. The good news is that the site is back up. However, while the attack was in progress sources say it was on of the “largest” the organization has ever seen. Even centersThe attack unfortunately hit main three data. Read More…..
Tags: 60606, Adobe, advantages of using a consultant, android, Android applications, apple, apps, attacks, best Internet Phone Service, Blog sites, Bloggers, blogs, botnet, botnets, bots, cellphones, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, control, crime, crimes, criminals, cybercrime, cybercrimes, cybercriminals, Darkness Botnet, data centers, DDoS, DDos Attack, Defender, devices, domains, DOS Attacks, email services, emails, Essentials, flash, games, Google, hack attack, Hackers, Hackers Attack WordPress with DDOS, hacking, Help Desk Services, hi-tech, infections, internet, internet tv, internet-enabled, investment accounts, IP addresses, ipad, iPhone, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, linksys routers, malicious code, malware, MCAfee, Microsoft, mobile devices, Network routers, news, Nokia, Non English Blog sites, Non English Bloggers, Operating System, OS, patches, PC repairs, PC's, PDF, PDF documents, phishing, politically motivated hacking, research, Routers, Russia, Security, Security Analyst, security software, security threats, smart phones, smartphone software, smartphones, Software Agents, Spam, spamware, tablets, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, transfer malware, trojan horses, USA, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, viruses, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, web-based threas, websites, Wikileaks, Windows, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet, Wordpress, WordPress Shut down for two hours, Zeus, Zeus Botnet, Zeus Trojan, Zombie Computers
Android smartphones bested iPhone and BlackBerry devices for the first time in the U.S. in the latest Nielsen Co. survey conducted right before Verizon Wireless began selling Apple’s iPhone.
Android devices made by several phone makers were used by 29% of the U.S. market in the November through January reporting period. That compares to 27% each for both Apple iPhones and BlackBerry devices from Research in Motion, Nielsen said.
In Nielsen’s most recent report from December, the three top smartphone operating systems were in a statistical dead heat, a Nielsen spokeswoman said Friday.
Microsoft’s Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 smartphones garnered 10% of the U.S. market from November through January, while the WebOS from Hewlett-Packard gained 4% and Symbian from Nokia earned 2%. Read More…
Tags: advantages of using a consultant, analysts, analysts firms, android, apple, audio, best Internet Phone Service, Blackberry, blogging, Cellular, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, competing devices, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, consumers, content, customers, data centers, devices, email services, Gartner, Help Desk Services, Hewlett-Packard, HP, HTC, IDC, iOS, iPhone, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, linksys routers, Makers, market share, markets, Mobile, mobile subscribers, Motorla, Music, Network routers, Nielsen, Nokia, Online, operating systems, OS, PC repairs, phone manufacturers, post-paid customers, Research in Motion, RIM, Routers, sales, sales figures, samsung, shipments, social media, Surveys, Symbian, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, US markets, user data, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, WebOS, Windows, Windows Phone 7, Windows Technician, Wireless, Wireless Internet, WP7, younger consumers
As Apple’s popularity continues to increase, so too does the malicious interest of hackers in their famed products. Researchers at Sophos say they’ve uncovered a new Trojan horse program written for the Mac.
It’s called the BlackHole RAT (the RAT part is for “remote access Trojan”) and it’s pretty easy to find online in hacking forums, according to Chet Wisniewski a researcher with antivirus vendor Sophos. There’s even a YouTube video demo of the program that details what its capable of doing.
Sophos hasn’t seen the Trojan used in any online attacks -it’s more a bare-bones, proof-of-concept beta program right now – but the software is pretty easy to use, and if a criminal could find a way to get a Mac user to install it, or write attack code that would silently install it on the Mac, it would give him remote control of the hacked machine. Read More….
Tags: 60606, advantages of using a consultant, anti-virus, antivirus software, apple, attack code, authors, best Internet Phone Service, beta programs, BlackHole, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, criminals, darkComet, data centers, desktop, developers, email services, Google, hacker forums, Hackers, Help Desk Services, installation, internet, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, linksys routers, Network routers, Online, online attacks, operating systems, OS, PC repairs, PC's, products, programming, programs, proof-of-concept, RAT, remote access, remote access trojan, researchers, Routers, security threats, silently installed, Software, Sophos, source code, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, Trojan horse, tweaked coade, vendors, video demo, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, Virus, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, web, Windows, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet, writers, writing viruses, YouTube
About eight out of every ten internet browsers run by consumers are vulnerable to attack by exploits of already-patched bugs, a security expert said today.
The poor state of browser patching stunned Wolfgang Kandek, CTO of security risk and compliance management provider Qualys, which presented data from the company’s free BrowserCheck service Wednesday at the RSA Conference in San Francisco.
“I really thought it would be lower,” said Kandek of the nearly 80% of browsers that lacked one or more patches.
BrowserCheck scans Windows, Mac and Linux machines for vulnerable browsers, as well as up to 18 browser plug-ins, including Adobe’s Flash and Reader, Oracle’s Java and Microsoft’s Silverlight and Windows Media Player.
When browsers and their plug-ins are tabulated together, between 90% and 65% of all consumer systems scanned with BrowserCheck since June 2010 reported at least one out-of-date component, depending on the month. In January 2011, about 80% of the machines were vulnerable. Read more….
Tags: 60606, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, advantages of using a consultant, already-patched bugs, anti-virus, apple, applications, best Internet Phone Service, browser updates, BrowserCheck, Bugs, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, Chrome, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, compliance management, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, consumer systems, data, data centers, Desktop Services, email services, Firefox, Google, Help Desk Services, IE, internet, Internet Explorer, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, Java, laptops, linksys routers, Linux machines, MAC, Mozilla, Network Design, Network Optimization, Network routers, new patches, Online, Oracle, out-of-date-components, patches, PC repairs, PC's, plug-ins, Qualys, QuickTime, reader, Routers, RSA Conference, Security, security experts, security risk, security scans, self updating, Server Management, Silverlight, statistics, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, unpatched, Virtual Computers, Virtual Machine, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, vulnerable browsers, web, Windows, Windows Media Player, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet
Intel has stated that they intend to start shipping their B3 stepping 6-Series chipset chips by February 14th (today). If you missed the headlines on this fiasco, I am speaking in reference to Intel’s chipset that is plagued by the now quite famous SATA 3Gbps bug.
Intel is still sticking to its original announcement that it will ship these products by the end of February. The new stepping has several updates including the change of revision ID from 04h to 05h, BIOS update to 1.1.4 and minor metal layer change improving lifetime wear and tear with no changes to functionality or design specifications (the one that fixes SATA 3.0Gbps issue). Read more…
Tags: 1080p, 28nm, 3D Steroscopic, 3G, 40-bit virtualization, 60606, 64-bit processor, 720p, Accelerated Parallel Processing, advanced technology, advantages of using a consultant, AMD, AMD 6800, AMD 6950 Unlockable via Bios, AMD Bio Hack, AMD HD3D, AMD releases a 1GB Version of the HD 6950, App, ARM, ATI, best Internet Phone Service, Blu Ray, Cheap, Chicago Computer Help Desk, Chicago Computer Services, Chicago Data Center, Chicago Internet Providers, chicago PC Technician, Chicago Telcom Audits, Chicago VoIP, Chip, Cinebench 10.0, cloud computing, Cloud Computing Chicago, components, computer, Computer Consultants, Computer Help Desk, Computer Install, computer programmers, computer Serurity, Computer Services, Computer Technician in Chicago, Computer Technician Outsourcing, Computers, Computing, Core i5, Core i7, Cortex-A15, cpu, data, data centers, devices, Direct X, Direct3D, Dollars, double patterning, Drivers, electronics, email services, Gaming, Gb, GPU, GPU's, graphics, Graphics cards, GTX, GTX 460, HD 5000, Help Desk Services, Intel, Intel B3 6 Series, Intel B3 Sandy Bridge to Ship today, Intel Core i5 2400, Intel Core i5 2400 3.1GHz, Intel Core i5 2400 Benchmark Results, Intel Sandy Bridge, internet, IT Audits, IT Outsourcing, linksys routers, manufacture, Microprocessor, Microprocessors, Microsoft, Mobile, money, Motherboards, MSRP, nanometers, Network routers, networks, Nvidia, Nvidia’s GTX 560 Ti, Oak Trail, Open GL, OS, PC, PC repairs, PC's, Pricing, processors, Radeon HD 2000, Radeon Hd 6000, Raseon Graphic Card, Routers, Sandy Bridge B3, Sandy Bridge Processors, Security, semiconductor, SOC, Software, Stero 3D, Stream TV, Sysmark, System on a Chip, technology, Telcom Audits, telephone auditing review, The Syber Group, transistors, TSMC, video, Virtual Computers, Virtualization, VoIP in Illinois, VoIP MPLS, voip office phone systems chicago, WiFi, Windows, Windows 7, Windows Phone 7, Windows Technician, Wireless Internet, WMV HD
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